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1 Pair of hand made (by Zoomies) felt dog tug toys.

Approx.  L.70cm/27in, D. 10cm/4in.


£5 from this purchase will be donated to Ark Angels Animal Rescue.


Colours vary due to availability of materials but will always stick to blues and yellows.

Did you know that dogs only see blue and yellow of the colour spectrum, making these toys easily visible to your dog, ensuring play and training is more fun.




•Extra long tug toy makes play safe. Protect your clothes, arms, legs and hands from mouthing and nipping behaviours. Being extra long also makes the toy more exciting to chase.


•Build a strong bond with your pooch.


•Easy to fit in your bag for fun days out.


•A training tool for focus training, drop, recall and more.


•Adds value to you and your training. Use as a reinforcer.


•An appropriate outlet for normal dog behaviours. Dog's are bred to chase, grab and tug. It is what they want to do.


•Hide kibble/treats inside for an excellent enrichment game.


•Hide them around the house/garden/woods for an excellent hunting game of "find it".

•most importantly TO HAVE FUN.



Charity Dog Tug Toys: 1 Pair

  • These will be made to order. Allow an additinal 2-3 days on top of your delivery.

    These toys are not chew toys. Do not leave unsupervised. Securely store when not in use.

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